Saturday, February 6, 2010

Arriving in a new country

I'll make a few posts to catch up.

So, the travelling...26th Jan - 29th jan
To start off with meeting Gareth and Sonal at international airport Syd for a few hours chat and lunch was awesome :)

courtesy of Gareth at the lunch table haha

Next was flying to San Fran with United Air (who seem to be in the dark ages) which is roughly 14hrs. The food was crapola and so was the entertainment (no individual screens) but thankfully the rear of the plane was mostly empty so I moved one row in front where I had 3 seats to myself so was able to curl up and sleep most of the flying away. I woke up for dinner...which sucked big time

Then I woke up for the last time with maybe 1.5hrs to go and was given my vegetarian breakfast...which was suss bakedbeans, tomato and spinach...well I think it was...Thought I should at least have a bit so managed to stomach 3 bites before it was too much. It didnt take long for me to feel seedy, but I refused to give in and sat there concentrating for the next hour while we descended and landed. Unfortunately I lost the battle just as I was leaving the plane. I have been sick when flying a few too many times in earlier years so I know all the warning signs. I made it the bathroom just down the hall...just...with a full mouth....what fun.

Immigration and customs etc at San Fran was much nicer and friendlier than LAX.
Flying over the US to New York took about 6hrs and was pretty uneventful, the food was still tres terrible so I avoided it. Here I had to change terminals.

Travel Hint #2: Never think you cant ask for directions. Especially when you are travelling in an airport where there are often time constraints and what not.

I just kept asking where to go each time I lost track of the previous directions until I made it to the airtrain which was cool and very fast. Made it super easy to change terminals. I had to walk outside briefly to get to the was rather cold outside! But nice and refreshing after not feeling too well.

By the time I got to my terminal and checked in it was about 1030pm so not much was open for food but I got what I could seeing as I hadnt eaten properly since Syd! At this stage I was relieved because I knew that most of the journey was over and I was nearly there.

Carribean Air was pretty good, another non event where I attempted to sleep most of it away. I got 3 seats to myself again hoorah, thanks universe. I realised when I glimpsed my first sight of Trinidads coast that this was the first new country I have seen in what I think is about 12years - since I first went to the US and Canada...

Upon reaching Georgetown, the capital of Guyana I find out that my backpack has not arrived with me...oh joy of joys.

This was my first view upon exiting the aircraft...beautiful little set up.

Made arrangements with the baggage claim dude and then went to find my preorganised driver Sean. He was a lovely Gtown guy - they have the coolest accent ever in Gtown - like jamaican but not, its the accent of the carribean and is so awesome. Although sometimes its so thick I often had to ask again what they were saying. I figured it was even though because he had to do that with me too. Especially when I used our colloquealisms such as 'toast' (warm) or 'cruisey' (was referring to the jamaican music on the radio).

The Herdmanston Lodge in town was great, just what I needed after at least 38hrs of travel.

The ladies were absolutely beautiful and went out of their way to make me feel welcome and help me hunt down my bag etc. For two nights in a row I missed dinner, bad I know especially going by the lack of food for the last 2 days, because I was so tired Id nap in the afternoon and then sleep through until 7pm when I couldnt be bothered going out in the dark to get a cab to find somewhere for dinner. My thursday flight to Karanambu was cancelled because I didnt have my bag. It ended up arriving on thursday afternoon and I flew to Karanambu Ranch (KR) on saturday.

Please comment to your hearts desire, ask questions, share stories, whatever you like :)

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