Saturday, February 20, 2010

Creatures of all shapes, sizes and personalities

Im not sure whether I have mentioned it already or not but aside from the otters and raccoon there are also 6 dogs and 3 cats.

Waterton sleeping at my feet under the desk in the office as I type this :). I think because there are so many guests in all of the rooms this is the calmest, quietest place he could find.

The dogs being Old Boy, Horsey and Blackie (all 3 dogs are black, Horsey has white socks), Soxy and Patricks Dog (no one knows its name) (both of which are a sandy colour) and then Waterton who is a white/golden colour and Pats dog. He is really the only one we have interaction with. He enjoys sleeping in my shower during the day where its nice and cool, dark and quiet. A more happy go lucky dog I have never met.

The cats include Garfield, an old ginger tom that no one knows exactly how old he is. He is the godfather of cats and a face that could tell many tales (resisted the pun of 'tails') with ears curled from mange in years past and fur missing on his cheeks. I think he is also missing a canine...he is a cool old fella none the less.

Then there is Sir Walter Raleigh (there are falls named after this dude in southeast guyana) who is actually owned by Anas boss Graham. He is a very very handsome ginger cat that now that he is a big boy annoys and tests poor old Garfield all the time. However Stefi and I have a solution to that *devils grin*...we like to call it "snip snip" haha. But seriously I cant wait to help her neuter Sir Walter, Soxy and Blackie :D it is gonna be the coolest thing ever!

Last but not least there is FancyFoot, so named because he was born with only two toes on each of his back paws. He walks a little odd but when he runs (like from us when we came at him with the dewormer) he runs juuust fine. He is black with the typical white bib and feet, a sweet but twitchy cat.

In the above pic you see FancyFoot hiding from us on top of the linen closet. We had the dewormer syringe...even tempting with fish didnt make him budge.

In terms of more wildlife yesterday there was a big female Iguana sunning herself near the trust house. So naturally we pulled out the cameras and took a few pictures from a distance. Then we snuck closer, and closer...and closer until we were less than a metre away. Gerry couldn't believe it because usually as soon as they see a person they make a dashfert (for those who don't know my familys 'language' haha dashfert = dash for it). Gerry reckoned she was gravid with eggs (are Iguanas gravid or only snakes?) but it was still odd for her not to run. Either way we all scored some sweet pictures. She did not like Ana however, so Ana did an Iguana pushup territory display - hilarious!

Next update, playing rugby with an otter and practicing shotput with a raccoon.

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