Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pre-Leaving Preparations

Well my count down timer on my desktop says it's 4 days 5 hours 8 minutes 2 seconds until Giant Otters, Go! 5 sleeps left until I transform and roll out...of the country...on Australia Day...yes yes I have already coped it and been told that doing such a thing is highly UnAustralian...tough cookies, ya'll just jealous!

After coming back from NZ I got busy finishing packing up my loft into boxes and wrapping up all the framed pics ready for the removalists...

luckily the guys from MiniMovers were fantastic and we got it done from start to finish in 2 hours flat..I was pretty impressed and they were happy to have such an easy move!

The next step was for me to start going out and gathering different bits of gear from shorts to jackets to backpacks and acorns. Had to order a few things from here and there but they all arrived super fast.

The last few days my bed has been covered in the gear and backpack ready to see how it all fits and how much it weighs. For those of you who don't know I have a 10kg weight limit due to the light plane I'll be travelling in from Georgetown, Guyanas capital to Karanambu Lodge.


Coming together and just about complete...

Notice the travel cube in the bottom righthand corner stuffed full of all sorts of drugs "including but not limited to" a years supply of anti-malarials, 5 months of bactrim ds, a broad spectrum antibiotic, treatment for travellers diarrhea (let's hope that stays unused!) and many more!

Handy Tip #1: Cardio....just joking...Weigh yourself and then weigh you with the pack - much easier to figure out the weight that way than trying to balance a large pack on a dodgy set of floor scales (Thanks Kait)....but really Cardio is good for you, get out and do some!

Handy Tip #1 brought to you by Geoffrey (the guardian of my desk)

Tonight will be another repack and weigh to see what stays and what's pretty close though. In other news all pictures except the first one were taken with my shiny (it really is shiny...pity it can't take a picture of itself) new Olympus Tough 800.

Segue smoothly into:
I just want to say thanks a bajillion to my parents for always assisting and supporting me towards my passion and sponsoring the gear and the trip! You guys kick ass and raised some pretty dandy kids if I don't say so myself

On that note I shall leave you with thoughts of travel, disease, drugs and weight limits

1 comment:

  1. this is mum & i am practising on your blog...happy days T
