Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's Happening

So long story short thanks to my big brother Gdogs asking me two simple questions I'm off to Guyana (South America) - use google maps haha) for at least 3 months but hopefully a year to learn how to raise, look after etc Giant Otters.

They get up to 6ft long and eat piranahs face first...pretty hardcore basically. The place I will be staying at is an eco lodge that accommodates tourists (come visit me eh).

The lady who owns the place is Diane McTurk and she has been working with Giant Otters for over 10years, and has raised at least 40 (rough guesstimate on my account)..pretty sweet I reckon. So I'm going over to learn from and work for her.

Absolutely epically stoked

So I'm currently packing up my entire loft section of the unit into storage...get the removalists in the next few days

I leave on the 26th of Jan (I didn't even realise that I was leaving on Australia Day until someone mentioned it!)

Of course they had to attach a picture on the email when they let me know they'd love to have me over to help. So I thought I might as well show everyone the latest arrivals at Karanambu Lodge. These kids arrived roughly 3 weeks ago and are thought to be 2-3 months old. Unfortunately I don't know much else apart from the fact that they are excessively cute. I can't wait to meet them..there is so much to learn!

The vet Dr. Lucy Spelman is visiting there at present, hopefully she's there long enough that I get to meet her. Check out her blogs for a crab-eating, hut raiding, tap turning raccoon, giant otters and other shenanigans!

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