Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kaieteur Falls

I think part of the reason I've been so slack with my blog is the fact that I couldn't be bothered typing up the 'adventure' of Kaieteur Falls. However, exciting stuff is happening and coming on the horizon so I better get it updated so I can write about new stuff!

The morning before hiking up to K.F we were a few hours boat ride downriver at our previous nights camp. Our "guide" (useless) led us around and over some rapids...was pretty cool...I gathered serious man points by crossing them barefooted with my thongs clutched between my teeth :D

This was what I walked across (above the rapids, not below haha)

and this is me doing it!

The hike up was damn steep and pretty tough. A few kahjigahs were involved in the proccess but it was a cool trail through the jungle. At one point it was blocked by a maaassive tree that had fallen across the path so we had to bush bash our way up and around. I made the decision not to bring my columbia sneakers and instead put my faith in my KSO FiveFingers. I am so so glad that I did, they performed beautifully! Before that hike I hadn't worn them very much at all, maybe a few hours max. I hiked a steep, forest track that took about 3.5hrs with No Complaints what so ever = Freaking Awesome! Sooo comfy.

Hi5 for Vibrams KSO (Keep Stuff Out) FiveFingers

The humidity combined with the physical exertion made it look like Ana and I had been standing under a shower instead of hiking haha. However the crazy Italian Stefi just looked like she'd been for a jog around the park! Apparently Italians don't sweat like normal people . . .

...somewhat of a height difference, not helped that I was on the top of a slight slope...but still Stefi is short haha ;)

The falls themselves are absolutely awesome! That first night we arrived at the top of K.F we all bathed in the river under the near full moon less than 50m from falls themselves = wicked experience.

Kaieteur Falls

When looking outwards from the falls, this picture was taken looking to the left. Different lookouts were situated along the stretch of cliff. I love the giant moss covered rocks below

The next day after cruising around the different lookouts and taking lots of pictures we decided to do our feral laundry in the river. Was classic to see the looks on visitors (that fly in for a quick look) faces when they saw these 3 chicks calmly doing their laundry under the trees near the drop of Kaieteur Falls hahaha!

We got to see lots of cool stuff (aside from the breath taking view, that no matter how many times I looked at it, was always beautiful) like the Golden Frog which lives in bromiliads (a type of giant palm thing) near Kaieteur Falls and isn't found anywhere else in the world. It is tiny and very cute.

Also very hard to photograph!

There were also the hundreds (at least) of swifts that sleep in a cave behind the falls - one can see them coming and going at dawn and dusk. Orange hawks could be seen cruising the skys waiting to dive down on the swifts which are their prey. Yet another breath taking sight as they fly with amazing agility in these huge clouds. We also went hunting for the Cock-of-the-Rock - a beautiful exotic bird. We managed to spot it twice, albiet briefly and with no photos.
We also got to see Macaws flying around and nearby the falls a few times which was super cool.

Yours truely with the falls behind me

and again me, but this time the view behind me is the view seen when standing atop the falls and looking out down the river!

If you ever get curious about the whole experience I'd be more than happy to tell you over a beer or few :)

oh and this

is Steve
both Steve and the Golden Frog are of similar size - maybe as big as the first joint of your finger = tiny! not even an inch long

1 comment:

  1. ah ha...the little golden singing frogs...they really do exist.....when they stop singing the world will be at an end...or so the story goes.
    AWESOME...what a fabulous experience. thanks for sharing Tarlz. love the pics...love your blogs.
